Vocational Rehabilitation

Program Information

The Red Lake Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program (RLVR) started operation for the Red Lake Nation in October, 1992. Our Federal funding is received from Rehabilitation Services Administration – (Department of Education) Washington, DC.

We work with many agencies and programs at the Local, State, and National levels.

  • The main objective is to work with American Indian people with disabilities in securing employment.
  • All program participants must be: enrolled members of a Federally Recognized Tribe (verification required)
  • The services provided are all based on needs identified while developing an Individualized Employment Plan.
  • Residency on the Red Lake Indian Reservation (Federal requirement)
  • VR services are required to secure long term employment due to disability

The following are services available through this program:

  • Student Work Orientation
  • Referrals - specialized support

The director will work closely with The Special Education Staff of Red Lake.

*Vocational Rehabilitation is not intended to be an employment agency. The services provided are to address disability related employment obstacles.

Contact Information:

Giniw Waakaa'igan
(Golden Eagle House)

Red Lake Vocational Rehabilitation
15525 Mendota Ave
P O Box 416
Redby, MN 56670



Service Information

There must be an employment outcome for a person to receive vocational rehabilitation services. The services provided are time limited and planned services as recorded on an individualized plan for employment. Services are provided to the extent that financial support is not readily available from another source and addresses the disability-related impediment (barrier) to employment.

Some of the services provided (intended to provide) include:

  • A thorough and complete assessment to determine eligibility and rehabilitation needs.
  • Counseling and guidance.
  • Referrals and other support to secure needed services from other agencies.
  • Job related services, including job search, placement assistance, follow-up and follow-along services.
  • Specialized support for individuals with the most severe disabilities that enables community involvement (10 hrs./week)
  • Rehabilitation Technology

Who is eligible?

The eligibility criteria is that a person must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian Tribe and also be 18 years of age for all services except the Student Work Orientation service, which is 16 years of age or older.

How do I apply?

Contact our office to obtain an application and ask any questions you may have.

Other Information

The Student Transition/Work Orientation Program is for:

  • Enrolled Native American students
  • Age 16 years or older
  • Residing on the Red Lake Reservation
  • Students with a I.E.P (Individualized Education Plan) are assigned to various sites in the community to learn employment skills.

Based on current regulation. The rehabilitation administration is given 60 days to make an eligibility determination. The assigned staff person will review your situation, receive your application, explain the program and services available, collect your medical and eligibility documentation and determine if they will recommend eligibility.