Equay Wiigamig
(Women’s Shelter)
Began operation in February, 1998. Licensed for 12 residents. Services available to all women and their children.
We, the staff of Equay Wiigamig pledge ourselves to the mission of providing steadfast support to victims of domestic violence. Each woman and her children who receive our services will be treated with respect and courtesy that recognizes the inherent dignity of each human being. We will provide shelter and supportive service to every woman who requests them, excluding no one. Equay Wiigamig will provide safety in a comfortable, family home atmosphere to all shelter guests in a peaceful, secure environment.
History of the Anishinaabe taught respect for all living things.from the rock to the sky, from a tree to a blade of grass, from the animals to all winged that fly, to the women; givers of life that bear children, and hold our future. All were respected.
To be, to become, to better yourself has become a survival tactic for today’s Indian Women. Driven from their homes by abuse, violent behavior, women and children are alone.
The Equay Wiigamig dedicates sincere, faithful, diligent, empathetic efforts in a respectful manner to provide a safe, secure place for all women and children to regain a sense of self-worth, pride, dignity and honor with the great circle of life.
Darlene Lussier @ 1997
Equay Wiigamig (women’s shelter)
P. O. Box # 909
Red Lake, Mn 56671
Crisis Line: 218-679-3737
(can call collect) or 1-800-943-8997
Business Line: 218-679-3443
Fax: 218-679-3447
- 24 hour advocacy services available, 7 days per week
- Crisis Intervention
- O.F.P.’s provided by Shelter Advocate
- Assist with reparations applications
- General advocacy: information/referrals/resources
- Supportive one-on-one advocacy
- Victim’s Rights
- Safety Planning
- Education Group Sessions (cycle of domestic abuse, dynamics of domestic violence, etc.)
- Transportation and accompaniment (business related meetings)
- Child care availability for meetings and in-house group sessions
- Talking Circles
- Cultural teaching circles
- Healthy living life skills sessions
- Sexual Abuse Educational Sessions
- Cultural healing, smudging, self care group support
- Provide “Evaluation of Services” form for residents
- Accompaniment to exams for sexual assault adult victims
- Follow-up advocacy available
- Domestic Violence Advocacy and Sexual Assault Advocacy available; contact 679-3443
- Talking Circles for Women at Equay Wiigamig Weekly Thursday 5pm to 8pm
- Weekly Men’s Re-Education Groups Self-Referral/Court Referral Wed. 5:00 pm -8:00 pm Gaming Commission office (cultural based group to un-learn abusive behaviors) contact: 218-368-5231 after 5:00 p.m. to become a group member.
- Giiwitaa Ododewisiwin (circle of family) Weekly Wednesday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Every district 1 week per month Regalia-Making, cultural crafts, singing and drumming. All district community members welcome.
- Round Dance (seasonal)
- Community collaboration with local programs
- Workshops and/or Conferences October Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Workshops and/or Conferences April Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Take Back The Night – Walk Against Violence semi-annually October and April
- School and/or Community Ed. Sessions on Medicine Wheel Teachings, Healthy Living Life Styles, Dating Violence
To provide supportive advocacy services and safety for male/female victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and general crime on the Red Lake Indian Reservation.
Contact Information:
Law Enforcement Center Telephone: 218-679-3313
General Crime Victim Advocate: Stephanie Cobenais Telephone: 218-679-1902
After 4:00 p.m. (week-days) call the Crisis Line for Domestic Assault and/or Sexual Assault 218-679-3737 and/or 1-800-943-8997
Services provided:
- Victim intervention/prevention services to crime victims
- Information/Referral and follow-up services to victims of crime
- Crisis Facilitate/accompany victims in meetings with law enforcement officers and tribal courts
- Provide transportation for victims to attend court hearings and meetings addressing their case
- Transport/Accompany victim to scheduled Court Hearings
- Advocacy for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and general crime
- Complete Order’s For Protection with Victim and process through Tribal Court
- Consistent up-date regarding status of case in behalf of victim
- Follow-up with victim to ascertain case progression and outcome
- Prepare Victim Impact Statements with victim
- Educate clientele of “Victim Rights” and provide hand-outs
- Safety Planning
- Make available evaluation of services form for victims to complete
Community Out-Reach:
- Community Collaboration with local programs
- Community Education, workshops on crime victims to Schools, Programs, Community
Available advocacy in providing justice for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Contact Information:
Red Lake Tribal Court Complex Telephone: 218-679-3303
Legal Advocate: Lori Washington Telephone: 218-679-1953
After 5:00 p.m. (week-days) call Crisis Line: 218-679-3737 or 1-800-943-8997
Services provided:
- Crisis intervention for victims of sexual assault and/or domestic violence.
- Individual and supportive advocacy
- Referrals and information to other agencies
- Complete Order’s For Protection for female victims
- Transportation and accompaniment for victims to meet with prosecution prior
- to court hearing
Transportation and accompaniment to scheduled Tribal Court Hearings - Safety Planning available for all victims
- Educate and provide material on “Victim’s Rights”
- Collaborate with law enforcement, prosecution, clerk of courts, judge in behalf of victim
- Collaborate with local advocates regarding follow-up, safety for victims
- Allow victim/client to complete “evaluation survey” addressing services received
Community Out-Reach:
- Community collaboration with local programs
- Community Education, workshops addressing domestic violence, sexual assault legal rights

Contact Information
Equay Wiigamig (women’s shelter)
Red Lake, MN
Darlene Lussier, Director